Sponsor Your Spouse With ABIC

Same Sex Partner Sponsorship
December 22, 2019
SINP: Ticket to Your Canadian PR
January 13, 2020

All Canadian citizens and permanent residents in Canada can sponsor any member of the family including spouses, parents, children and other relatives for permanent residence. To sponsor your spouse this is the best method as the applicant is not required to meet many of the requirements as a regular skilled worker to meet rigid education, work experience or language prerequisites to come to Canada.

Unlike the Skilled worker category, sponsorship in Canada is an easy process that allows an individual who is a spouse of a Canadian citizen or PR to attain PR in a much swifter process without meeting the criteria for education and language.

Some of the Categories Under This Stream Are:

Married Partners


Same-Sex Marriage 

Conjugal Partner

In order to sponsor your spouse in Canada there are certain Eligibilities:

  1. No criminal record availed with police clearance.
  2. Never failed for any immigration loan
  3. Family support payments
  4. Your marriage must be legal in the place where you married.
  5. Must be of 18 years or old.
  6. Must convey financial support to your partner for 3 years right from the time they become a PR in Canada.
  7. Not convicted of any offence, violent or sexual.
  8. Should be not charged under bankruptcy.
  9. the sponsoring person should not be under a removal.

At ABIC we remain at your side right from the first consultation till your spouse joins you here in Canada. For any further consultation reach out to us on our site or give us a call we will be happy to Help.

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